Adam’s Healing Adventures: The Power of Rainbow Foods

Adam Healing Adventures - Healing Power of Rainbow Foods eimage.jpg
Adam Healing Adventures - Healing Power of Rainbow Foods eimage.jpg

Adam’s Healing Adventures: The Power of Rainbow Foods


Madiha Saeed (author)

Anna Cunningham (illustrator)

11.18.21 (release date)

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The Power of Rainbow Foods

Food is power. Food is information. Food influences every cell of the body. Food influences our genes. Food gives us the ability to take back control of our health. Food transforms our biology. Food activates our children’s potential for healing or creates imbalances that can lead to chronic diseases.

Agitated, tired and addicted to sugar, Adam finds that he is not feeling like himself. With the help of his friends, Adam discovers the healing power of real rainbow foods. Rainbow foods can help the body work better, fight sicknesses, lower inflammation, optimize the immune system, feed the good friends in their bellies, get rid of toxins, and are packed with antioxidants.

Adam’s Healing Adventures educates and empowers children of all ages about the healing power of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, tan and white foods. Rainbow foods have a power—the power to strengthen our children’s bodies and brains from the inside out!