Get Over Your Drama Already

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Get Over Your Drama Already


Terence Michael Shannon (author)

5.14.20 (release date)

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A deep dive into human thought and how thought controls your life, relationships and aspirations. By the end, you’ll understand the journey of life is to find unconditional love for yourself and to spread that love, your soul is your value and how all hardships, betrayals, broken hearts and the loss of loved ones is a path to your purpose. To let go and forgive no matter what and to love no matter what, to set boundaries and build relationship foundations.

Life is an inner journey and happiness comes from within, not from the external world. You’ll learn how blessed you are to be alive and how many events had to come together since the beginning of time for you to even exist, that the only thing you can control are your emotions, thoughts and joy and the overall meaning of life is about love, people and the love of people.