Slave In Modern America: From the Eyes of a Child

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Slave In Modern America: From the Eyes of a Child


D. Henry McGrath (author)

10.13.22 (release date)

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Slave In Modern America: From the Eyes of a Child raises the question of how do we recognize the “unseen tortured child,” a question unanswered still today in modern America and in the world; yet, should be the primary issue of concern in every council and every chamber till resolved.

What happens to the heart, soul, and spirit of an abused child as they grow up through phases of life? Much is left unrecorded, denied or covered-up. Their lives are left with echoing memories of pain and psychological torture and that, alone, enslaves them. How do they free themselves and what elements of society and the “system” either save them or destroy them are both depicted in Slave In Modern America; providing a rare, intriguing view into the life of such a child in a four-book series from youth to present adulthood... with shocking truths revealed leaving the reader to question, “How can I make a difference to empower the rights of children?”

Every reader can now become a champion for the rights of children worldwide and end child abuse, child sex trafficking and child enslavement as each book in the series reveals a path and a way to make a difference.